Thursday, 1 September 2016

Step by Step Installation and Configuration of WebLogic Server 12C


  • Download the latest version of file from here. Accept the user license and select generic installer for latest Oracle weblogic server.
  • Extract the installation jar from downloaded zip.
  • Open a command window with administrator privilege. Navigate to the folder where the Jar is located.
  • Run the following command.
    java -jar .jar
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install the weblogic server.

Domain Creation

  • Navigate to <WebLogic_installation_directory>\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\common\bin
  • Run ‘config.cmd’. It would execute a wizard for domain creation.
  • Select ‘Create a new domain’ -> browse to the base folder where you want your domain to be created -> Next.
  • Create domain using product template -> Basic Weblogic Server Domain -> Next.
  • Create an administrator account for the domain -> Next.
  • Select domain mode -> Select JDK -> Next.
  • In advanced configuration, check the ‘Administration Server’ box. For clustering and load balancing, ‘Topology’ configuration is also needed. These can be set up later from admin console.
  • Enter Server name, listen address and port for Admin Server. This server provide the console for managing the domain -> Next.
  • Review the setup configuration -> Create.

Starting Admin Server

  • Navigate to the folder where the domain has been installed in previous step.
  • Run the file ‘startWebLogic.cmd’ from the folder.
  • When started, cmd will display ‘<Server state changed to RUNNING.>’.
  • Open browser and navigate to URL. http://<serverAddress>:<serverport>/console. With default setting, the URL should be http://localhost:7001/console.
  • With default setting, the admin console will be deployed on first access. Wait for few seconds for deployment to finish.
  • Login to the console with username and password created while domain creation.
  • The console screen can be used for all server configuration.

Deploying Web Application

  • In the web console, from the left hand sidebar, select deployments.
  • Click on install. It will open up the explorer in the console itself. Navigate to the war file, select it and click next.
  • Select ‘Install this deployment as an application’ as installation scope -> Next.
  • Give a name for this deployment. Keep the other setting as it is -> Next.
  • If you have multiple server or cluster, you will be taken to server selection screen for deployment.
  • Select finish. The application can be deployed to the server. The web application can be accessed through url http://<serverAddress>:<serverPort>/<ApplicationContextRoot>

Changing the Context Root of Web Application

Create a file name ‘weblogic.xml’ in WEB-INF folder of the web application. Add following to change the context root.

Step By Step Guide For Creating Drools Rules in Kie Workbench And Integrating It In External Java Application

Kie Workbench Side

Creating an organization, repository and project

    • Login to Kie workbench with an ‘admin’ account.
    • Create a new organization:
      • Authoring -> Administration -> Organizational Units -> Manage organizational Units -> Add
      • Give a name and group id to the organization.
    • Create a new repository in the organization.
      • Authoring -> Administration -> Repositories -> New Repositories.
      • Give a name and select the organization
    • Create a new project.
      • Authoring -> Project Authoring -> New Item -> New Project
      • Add a Project name and description.
      • Add Group ID (default value is organization id), Artifact id (default value is project name) and initial version number.

Creating a Rule

    • Select the Organization, Repository and Project in the Project explorer.
    • New Item -> Guided Rule
    • Enter a name for the rule and select the package.
    • Create the rule.

Adding external POJO model to the rules

The POJO model class that is needed by the workbench project need to be exported as a maven jar and uploaded to the workbench.

Uploading the POJO model class jar

  • Authoring -> Artifact Repository -> Upload -> Browse to the Jar and upload
  • If Jar does not contain a pom.xml file, you will be asked to manually enter a group and artifact id.

Adding model to the Project

  • Navigate to the project -> Open Project Editor
  • In project editor, from the dropdown, select Dependencies.
  • Add from repository -> Select the model class jar file.

Adding and using model class in Rules.

  • Open guided rule editor -> Navigate to the ‘Data Object’ tab.
  • New item -> Choose a type.
  • The type can be then used in rule editor.

Java Side

Accessing Workbench rule from external Java Application

  • Setup drool runtime. Add following dependencies to the application pom.xml
  • Add a new Repository to your maven. This is done by adding following line to settings.xml file residing in MAVEN_HOME folder. If there is no xml file, create one. Url tag must contain the link to the maven repository of kie workbench. The id of the repository must be ‘guvnor-m2-repo’.
  • Add the authentication details for the above repository in settings.xml file.
  • Java code to access the repositories and run the rules. In the release id, we need to pass the Group ID, Artifact ID and version number of the workbench project.

KieScanner and Repository Updation

KieServices tend to download the remote repository only once in a day and store it in local repository. We can however use the KieScanner and force the container to scan for any update in the remote repository. A scan will only update the local repository if we are using ‘LATEST’ as the version number and a new version of the repository is available in remote directory or the remote repository is in development stage (denoted by ‘-SNAPSHOT’ appended to the version number).