Thursday, 1 September 2016

Step by Step Installation and Configuration of WebLogic Server 12C


  • Download the latest version of file from here. Accept the user license and select generic installer for latest Oracle weblogic server.
  • Extract the installation jar from downloaded zip.
  • Open a command window with administrator privilege. Navigate to the folder where the Jar is located.
  • Run the following command.
    java -jar .jar
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install the weblogic server.

Domain Creation

  • Navigate to <WebLogic_installation_directory>\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\common\bin
  • Run ‘config.cmd’. It would execute a wizard for domain creation.
  • Select ‘Create a new domain’ -> browse to the base folder where you want your domain to be created -> Next.
  • Create domain using product template -> Basic Weblogic Server Domain -> Next.
  • Create an administrator account for the domain -> Next.
  • Select domain mode -> Select JDK -> Next.
  • In advanced configuration, check the ‘Administration Server’ box. For clustering and load balancing, ‘Topology’ configuration is also needed. These can be set up later from admin console.
  • Enter Server name, listen address and port for Admin Server. This server provide the console for managing the domain -> Next.
  • Review the setup configuration -> Create.

Starting Admin Server

  • Navigate to the folder where the domain has been installed in previous step.
  • Run the file ‘startWebLogic.cmd’ from the folder.
  • When started, cmd will display ‘<Server state changed to RUNNING.>’.
  • Open browser and navigate to URL. http://<serverAddress>:<serverport>/console. With default setting, the URL should be http://localhost:7001/console.
  • With default setting, the admin console will be deployed on first access. Wait for few seconds for deployment to finish.
  • Login to the console with username and password created while domain creation.
  • The console screen can be used for all server configuration.

Deploying Web Application

  • In the web console, from the left hand sidebar, select deployments.
  • Click on install. It will open up the explorer in the console itself. Navigate to the war file, select it and click next.
  • Select ‘Install this deployment as an application’ as installation scope -> Next.
  • Give a name for this deployment. Keep the other setting as it is -> Next.
  • If you have multiple server or cluster, you will be taken to server selection screen for deployment.
  • Select finish. The application can be deployed to the server. The web application can be accessed through url http://<serverAddress>:<serverPort>/<ApplicationContextRoot>

Changing the Context Root of Web Application

Create a file name ‘weblogic.xml’ in WEB-INF folder of the web application. Add following to change the context root.

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